CBT Technology Institute announces VIDEO GAME TOURNAMENT: LANBASH

CBT Technology Institute is at it again, we are pleased to announce our winter series video gaming tournament LANBASH. The date has been confirmed for DECEMBER 9 , 2011. LANBASH is a series of video game tournaments that CBT Technology Institute hosts, the event is open to anyone that loves the world of video games. The event highlights the growing industry of graphic design and computer technology, all while having some fun! This year we have moved our venue, due to the success of the past LANBASH’s. This year we will host the tournament at Awarehouse in the design district, Downtown Miami. 550 NW 29th Street, Miami FL 33127.

This year the tournament will host competitions for both single and team players on console (XBOX) and PC.

Single players can choose to play: STARCRAFT2 ,ULTIMATE MARVEL v.s. CAPCOM 3 or STREET FIGHTER 4, ARCADE EDITION.

Team players can choose from: Call of Duty: Modern Warefare2 (Teams of 6), we still are interested in finding out your thoughts on…… League of Legends or Heros of Newerth? Let us know your thoughts on our facebook page www.facebook.com/cbtlanparty!

Latest developments for the Winter Series of  LANBASH, this just in: $100 is going to be added as a BONUS to each tournament pot! Winners of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, will split the tournament pot and the receive the additional BONUS per person. Single player tournaments will be 80% (of the tournament pot) for 1st place winner+BONUS and 20% + BONUS to the 2nd place winner. ** THE 80/20% Pot is for TEAM PLAYERS**, All other tournaments there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Players can make some serious $$CASH$$, the more players the more the tournament pot prize is. So we have decided to keep admission and pot donations to an affordable price.

For registration: You can reserve your spot at www.cbtlanparty.com for $15 per person

(Cost Includes: Admission +1 tournament) players are welcome to play multiple tournaments ** There is an additional cost of $15 for each additional tournament entered.**

So mark your calendar!! DECEMBER 9, 2011…….CBT Technology Institute LANBASH…..Don’t miss out on all the $$CASH$$ prizes, food, music, raffles and entertainment!!

Follow us at www.facebook.com/cbtlanparty, Twitter @cbtlanparty and at www.cbtlanparty.com!!