Beating the blues of being far away from home!

Although Miami is full of life with plenty of fun things to do, some college students can still get “homesick,” especially during their first year away from their home, family, and the community they are accustomed to.  Don’t be alarmed, this feeling is a normal part of many students’ development into adulthood.

Although you may be tempted to move back home, we strongly encourage you to stick it out – it will make you stronger and it will certainly teach you to become more independent. Plus, you probably will not get many more opportunities in your life to study internationally. The CBT Technology Institute family offers a strong support system –there’s always someone you can talk to and there’s always something to do. Still, we understand that we can all experience a period of displacement from time to time, so below are some tips to help you avoid those feelings.

No. 1: Before you make your journey to a new school, create a bucket list of all the things you hope to gain out of your college experience abroad and list all the things you want to do or accomplish while you are in the new bright city of Miami! Do your research, study the region, perhaps there’s a museum or festival that you really want to go to. Refer back to the list from time to time and actually checking things off will help avoid that feeling that something is missing. Instead, you will be feeling a sense of accomplishment… Remember, it’s already an accomplishment getting here. It’s a big step and you should be proud of all the hard work you have put into it so far. Other things you can do once you are here include:

Finally,………. it is okay to go home occasionally to get emotionally recharged but you should always finish what you started, especially if it’s getting your education!